Welcome to the website of Harlow Hill Allotment Association
Harlow Hill is an allotment site on the west side of Harrogate, off Beckwith Avenue, with 123 plots of varying sizes. It is a productive site where plot holders grow a wide range of vegetables, fruit and flowers despite the gardening challenges presented by it being an exposed site, subject to high winds, and based on heavy clay. Much appreciated by the local community, it is a welcome green space in this residential area.
Harlow Hill is a self-managed allotment site under an agreement with North Yorkshire Council. There is a management committee and three trustees who are responsible for the overall maintenance of the site and ensuring that the conditions of the tenancy agreement are met.
Regular newsletters and emails keep plot holders and associate members up-to-date with events and matters affecting the site.
The Allotment Shop sells many of the most common gardening products (e.g. compost, fleece, fertilisers) and is a focal point of the site to meet up with fellow allotmenteers to seek advice and share ideas.

Open Day 2024
15th Feb Allotment Shop re-opens
20th March HHAA AGM 7.30pm at
The Green Hut with talk by Ben Preston of Cliff Bank Nursery.

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