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Another Successful Open Day

15th June


The rain managed to hold off almost to the end of our Open Day. Despite a rather chilly and dull morning we still had lots of visitors come to look around the site - plot holders and their friends and family, local residents and members of other allotment societies. There were plants, delicious cakes and books to purchase, welcome refreshments and the challenge of guessing the number of beans in the jar. We raised £580 which will be shared between Horticap and the Harlow Hill Community Centre.

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Visitors enjoying welcome refreshments and a chance to chat.

Annual General Meeting

21st March


Our AGM began with an enlightening talk entitled "The Smorgasbord Allotment" by Anna Gugan and Claire Cartledge, winners of the Roland Buckton Trophy for the most improved plot. Influenced by the Incredible Edible project in Todmorden, Stephen Barstow's Edimentals and work with the Forest Commission, Anna and Claire have designed an interesting and quirky plot with an emphasis on sustainability and recycling.

40 plot holders and associates attended the meeting. Gerry Hansford stood down as Chairperson and Jane Ayre was voted in as her replacement.

Gerry awarded Claire Cartledge the Roland Buckton Trophy. The winners of the Harry Newport Trophy for best leeks were Paul & Pauline Knight.

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Gerry presenting Claire with her trophy

A Sunny Open Day

3rd June


A beautiful sunny day made our Open Day a great success this year. A plant sale, cake stall, refreshments and guess the number of beans in the jar competition were the major attractions. Lots of people came along to take a look around the allotment site -plot holders and their friends and family, local residents and members of other allotment societies. We raised £700 which was shared between Resurrected Bites and Harrogate District Food Bank.

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Sian Gamble with visitors from Resurrected Bites.

Annual General Meeting

23rd March


Prior to the formal AGM, Hilary Dodson from the Northern Fruit Group gave an entertaining and useful talk on fruit pruning. She brought to the meeting several practical example in pots, and fully engaged her audience by asking for suggestions on which of the twigs and small branches should get the chop.

After welcoming the 32 members who attended, Richard Wriglesworth, acting Chair, thanked Angela Dicken who stood down as secretary and member of the committee for all her hard work for Harlow Hill Allotments Association since 2011. Angela said she had worked with some great people and made many good friends. Stephanie Byrnes was elected as the new secretary.

The winner of the Roland Buckton Cup for the most improved plot was Isabelle Holmes (plot 4b), and Judy David (plot 53A) was the winner of the Harry Newport Cup for the best leeks.

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Richard presenting Angela with a thank you gift

Harrogate & District Allotment Federation Annual Show

21st August


Forty-three exhibitors entered their prize produce, flowers and baking into our 61st Allotment Show. The Veg & Fruit judge, David Allison, said: "I just wanted to congratulate you on a first class and well run show, with some quality veg and fruit to judge. One of the best supported shows I have been to this year. Everyone was very friendly and helpful, and the stalls outside the showroom added to the visitors’ enjoyment."

Bea Treetops won the Harlow Hill Junior Cup and Angela Dicken won the Margolis Trophy for most points from an exhibitor from Harlow Hill. Our tombola stall raised £271 - many thanks to everyone who helped on the stall and who donated prizes.

The surplus produce from the Show benches was donated to Resurrected Bites and £600 from the profits of the Show was donated to Woodlands Community Garden.

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Harlow Hill's tombola stall

Open Day

29th May


A fine day saw about 100 visitors have the opportunity to look around our site and buy plants, cakes and refreshments. Craft activities for children kept them amused too. We raised £500 to be shared between Harrogate Homeless Project and Resurrected Bites. Many thanks to Baltzersen's, Harrogate for their kind donation of a tray of cinnamon buns and to everyone who supported the event

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Visitors to the plant stall

Annual General Meeting

17th March


Our first in-person AGM for two years began with an interesting and informative talk by Andrew Willocks from RHS Harlow Carr on 'No-dig' gardening.

No-dig helps to increase the worm population in the soil and prevents disruption to Mycorrhiza in the soil, which help the plants to resist pests and access nutrients.

Add a layer of compost about 5cm thick on the surface of the vegetable patch in November. This mulches the soil and prevents the germination of weeds. The worms take the nutrients into the soil and also help to aerate the soil.

After the business meeting, Richard Wriglesworth presented the Roland Buckton trophy for Most Improved plot to Steph Byrnes.

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Steph receiving the Roland Buckton trophy.
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